The Master aims to provide the necessary skills to carry out the profession of composer in the field of musical theatre. The analysis of a theatrical text, the study of vocal and instrumental writing, the deepening of the orchestration and reworking techniques will allow students to create their own creations applying them to different forms of musical theatre, from opera to ballet, from musicals to plays. The students of the Masters in Composition will be in close contact with the students of the Master’s in Direction and Set Design thus realizing all the necessary synergies for a common creative experience. At the end of the course some of the best musical compositions of the students will be selected to be staged in theaters associated with the Polo Nazionale Artistico – Verona Academy for the Opera. It is a unique opportunity for students who will enroll in this Masters.

Master’s degree in Composition

Diploma title
Second Level Master’s Degree
1 year
Admission requirements
• M.A. degree
• academic degree of second level
• equivalent degree
• adequate command of the Italian language
Course Outline
• classes and workshops
• individual internships at Italian and international musical and theatre institutions
• independent study
• final exam
The mandatory attendance is 70% for each course
• Casa Boggian, stradone San Fermo 28 – Verona
• Palazzo Giuliari, via dell’Artigliere 8 – Verona
• Sala Bra di Fondazione Arena, interrato Torre Pentagona – Verona
• Palazzo Verità Montanari, via Carlo Montanari, 5 – Verona
The course fee is € 3.500 (three thousand five hundred) payable in two installments.
Download the course outline